Interfernce / Interferenzen is an exceptional art event, involving artists from Poland and Germany. Its purpose is to provoke discussion on the topic of art creation in modern Europe. What kind of influence do geographical, financial, political, genealogical and historical conditions have? How big a role does the artist´s place of birth, financial status, state backing play? What are the motivations and inspirations? Is it possible to keep one´s creative independence in a modern world flooded with information and visual media, with an overabundance of art?
The choice of Poland and Germany is not coincidental, they are geographically close but diverse in terms of history and culture. Are the artists living within their boundaries different in their approach to art creation and reception? We pose questions while avoiding imposing interpretations, because Interferencje / Interferenzen is primarily a platform for exchanging views, experiences, and a pretext for confrontation between artists and viewers. A blank card that is waiting to be filled with content.
The works featured in the exhibition may at first seem unrelated. The more we view them, learning about the authors emotion and fascinations, the more evident the similarities become. These can be found on a variety of planes. A fascination with nature can be found in the works of Ryan Hays as well as Ina Sangenstedt, though each has a unique way of describing the theme. A love for ethereal forms, redefining them can be found in the works of Beata Bajno, Edith Kollath or Laurence Grave. There are those who find their inspiration in urban subjects, such as architecture and the teeming world of the street art underground, such as Katarzyna Kowalska, Magdalena Łazar-Massier i ToFa (Chris Noelle). The human emotions, memories and dark secrets, the delicate and the sensitive are fields of interest of Regina Nieke, Agata Czeremuszkin-Chrut and Nina Märkl, who put great stock into the creation process, the role of painting mediums and materials. The impact of a difficult history on humankind is the theme chosen by Agnieszka Pakuła and Agnieszka Pietrzykowska. Anna Lasik, who specializes in unique costumes, takes us on a journey through past times, toying with fashion and convention.
Poland and Germany are two different countries, 16 artists with 16 different personalities, individual histories and ways of expressing oneself through art, meeting to experience the distance and the proximity to each other. Regardless of their place of origin, they are bound by an extraordinary curiosity and creative passion.
Photo: social media of the gallery