2nd International Painting Symposium Silva Linarte
Continuing the tradition of 2019, from 28 July to 12 August 2020, within the framework of its residency programme, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre organised the second international painting symposium conceived as a tribute to the distinguished local artist and art educator, Silva Linarte (1939 – 2018). “Painting is no multiplication table that you learn once ant then remember all your life. In order to paint, you need to maintain a constant state of elation and attunement, much like an actor going on stage,” said Silva Linarte about her day-to-day life and pursuit of inspiration typical of many an artist. In a sense, these words may be interpreted as her behest to symposium participants.
Symposium as a point of convergence – a space and time where, this year, artists representing different generations and countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland) were invited to participate in a joint creative dialogue, contemplating the life of Silva Linarte and her art and experiencing the special environment of Daugavpils. Joint meetings, conversations and studio work, visiting Silva Linarte’s home, walking and exploring a particular place – all these experiences became a forthnight-long source of inspiration that enrichted the artist’ current perspectives and perceptions of environment and space.
The packed symposium time gave each artist plenty opportunities for self-expression through contemporary paintings that display their individual painterly styles and explore themes such as person, space, nature, place, order and chaos. Likewise, the motifs of light and sun, a keen sense of colour and an intrinsic elation, all so very important to Silva Linarte and so clearly present in her art, can also be traced in the painterly outputs of each symposium participant.
The 2nd Internationa Painting Symposium “Silva Linarte” brought together Osvalds Zvejsalnieks (Latvia), Ingrīda Ivane (Latvia), Ričardas Garbačiauskas (Lithuania), Katarzyna Kowalska (Poland), Franciszek Ledóchowski (Poland) and Liisa Kruusmägi (Estonia).
Curator: Tatjana Černova
Photo and graphic: social media of the organizer and private archives of the artist